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martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Download New Video: Chris Brown - She Ain't You (Official Music Video + Lirycs) ★ NEW 2011 ★ HD

Si echamos un ojo a las listas dance oficiales del Reino Unido y Estados Unidos, tenemos el ejemplo perfecto de que uno de los temas mainstream que más está haciendo bailar actualmente es Beautiful People. A pesar del éxito que sigue cosechando su colaboración con el DJ y productor italiano Benny Benassi, Chris Brown acaba de estrenar un nuevo single.

She A-Aint She Aint You
She A-Aint She Aint You
She A-Aint She Aint You
She A-Aint She Aint You

You make it hard for me
to see somebody else
im calling her your name
and yeah its messed up
cause im thinkin bout you
cause youre far babe
i never wanted us to break up
no not this way
but you dont understand it girl
when she touches me
im wishing that they were your hands
and when im with her its only bout the sex
with you i had a bad romance
and if i could
just trade her in i would
cause nobody compares to you nooo…yeah

I think I better let her go
I can’t leave you alone
Every day that I’m with her, all I want is you
I wanna leave, but I’m afraid
That you don’t even feel the same
And now I realize that she ain’t you
Oh (no she ain’t you)
Whoa oh oh (Na na na)
Whoa oh oh (Na na na)
She ain’t, no she ain’t you

I been sleeping out
For quite some nights now
It’s not the same in my bed
But if she found out, whats going on in my head
It’ll be all bad, have me right back
But you don’t understand it, girl
When she touches me, I’m wishing that they were your hands
And when I’m with her it’s only bout the sex
With you I had a bad romance
And if I could, just trade her in I would
Cause nobody compares to ya
I think I better let her go
I can’t leave you alone
Every day that I’m with her, all I want is you
I wanna leave, but I’m afraid
That you don’t even feel the same
And now I realize that she ain’t you
No she a-ain’t, she ain’t you (x8)
I think I better let her go
I can’t leave you alone
Every day that I’m with her, all I want is you
I wanna leave, but I’m afraid
That you don’t even feel the same
Now I realize that she ain’t you
Oh (no she ain’t you)
Whoa oh oh (Na na na)
Whoa oh oh(Na na na)
She ain’t, no she ain’t you

Vía | rt-now.com


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